Jesus Changes Everything
Tithe & Offering
This is the fund for all tithes and offerings for Gospel City Church.
Fulfilling Your Offering (Korea only)
When wiring your money, please use the following bank account that appears in the checkout process.
-----Bank: KEB Hana Bank (KEB 하나은행)
-----Account: 630-010265-934
----Account Name: 가스펠 시티 교회
Questions? Email:
Juan Kim (Intern)
Yohan joined Gospel City Church in the winter of 2020 right before starting his studies in theology at Torch Trinity Graduate University. Though he was uncertain about his calling to ministry, God slowly kindled a desire in his heart to be a herald of the Word and to faithfully share the good news God has entrusted us through the Scriptures. The pastoral team has taken him under their wings as an intern so that he could get a sense of what it is like to be in ministry and learn the responsibilities of a faithful herald of the Word.
Sangrok Orphanage Ministry
GCC Orphanage Ministry provides a biblical and healthy approach to caring for orphaned and vulnerable children in Seoul.
We believe that caring for orphans is a God-given priority that must be nurtured. We focus our time and energy not only to provide and care for the physical needs of orphans, but more importantly, to provide for their spiritual needs as well by sharing the Father’s heart toward them. Your contribution, no matter how small or large, has the potential to create extraordinary moments of joy and opportunity for our children
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is
this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to
keep oneself unstained from the world.
- James 1:27
Gospel City Giving Platform is our church's online donation system. You may give via Korean bank transfer, credit card, Paypal, or cash.
Our Impact
given since January 15, 2016
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